We are a mixed billing practice. Bulk billing is also available.
Please call to enquire.

Telehealth is a telephone or video consultation instead of face to face appointments. 

The practice primarily works on an appointment basis. Please contact the practice 9981 3111 or click here to book an appointment. Walk-in patients are welcome however patients with appointments and emergencies are treated with priority.

We do standard 10-15 minutes appointments. Some services like pap smears, health assessments, skin checks, or if you have a number of complex concerns to discuss with your GP, may need longer appointments. Please advise when booking in your appointments.

Test results are only given to the patient concerned, these results will be asked to make a follow-up appointment with your Doctor.

So long as you have a pathology request form from your GP, no appointment needed just visit the practice and see the onsite pathology collectors.

Work cover patients will be treated the same as regular patients. These patients must inform their employers before their first consultation and provide an approved claim number related to their current case.

Patients’ personal health information is confidential and is kept in accordance with the RACGP Standards for the Management of Personal Health Information. Consistent with our commitment to quality care this practice has developed a policy to protect patient privacy in compliance with the privacy legislation.


Should you need to speak to your GP, it is our policy not to interrupt another patient’s consultation. The practice does not communicate via email or text messages. Any messages received electronically will be forwarded on to the doctor as a  returned call. A message will be forwarded to the doctor and your call will be returned when the doctor is available.

When leaving a message, please provide receptionists as many details as you feel comfortable so reception may be able to help you with your enquiries.